Contact Information

Office Address:
102 Broce Drive
Blacksburg, VA  24060

Offers Telehealth in Flordia and Indiana

Phone: (864) 492-1141 Fax: (866) 635-2684

If you need assistance immediately, please call our local emergency services, Access, at (540) 961-8400.


Contact Form

You can contact me by phone, email, or use this form to arrange a 15-minute phone consultation to see if working together feels like a good fit. In your message, please let me know the best days and times to reach you.

Support for yourself and those you care about

Are you currently seeking information and/or support for yourself or a family member or friend who is struggling with an eating disorder, relationship violence, or gender-based violence? You may contact me by completing this form to arrange a 50-minute consultation to receive support and resources. I will carefully and compassionately listen to your situation, then tailor a set of recommendations, resources, and strategies to help guide you in the next steps for yourself or your loved one. Navigating support for yourself and others can be confusing and stressful. I invite you to reach out if you think a consultation could be helpful. $197/per 50 mins, limited availability.

Please note: consultation is not therapy or advice. It is support in finding resources and understanding the diagnosis of your loved one.